Modern science concentrates its efforts on treating the body as if it were a mechanical device that can be fixed or serviced like any other machine. But, in so doing, has a great deal, that is otherwise in plain sight, been ignored or downplayed in favour of fixing symptoms and not aiming to really fix, or even look at, fixing the whole mechanism?
The human body and how it functions can be compared with a jig-saw puzzle, containing many complex shapes that need to be fitted together properly in order to see the whole picture. Science, though, prefers to specialise on specific zones, or if you like, set each specialist to examine a single piece of the puzzle. The end result is that we are able to discover a lot about each piece, but still have little idea about how it comes together with all the other pieces.
An alternative to this methodology is to start from a completely different angle, and that would be to look at how the whole mechanism functions and then work out where the individual pieces go, and for this, instead of looking at the body as a multiplicity of separate parts, we should, instead, look at the patterns that governed its evolution. Taking this angle first of all disposes of the assumption that the body is a machine. Instead the body becomes a pattern, formed from a common source, and therefore a part of everything in which it lives. This shifts the 'local' starting point away from the physical body and expands it to looking at the planet and its evolution, because the pattern for our development lies in how the planet, the solar system, the galaxy and the universe is formed. We are indeed made from stars, but just limiting ourselves to the 'local' territory for now should provide sufficient clues to the big picture. When we choose to view ourselves from this perspective one single word screams out louder than all the others. That word is 'balance'.
First, let's take a step back.
Our planet, Earth, is a balance between three basic elements - earth, water and air. From the vacuum of space our atmosphere is held in place through a balance of forces moderated by such factors as gravity. If this wasn't the case our atmosphere would have leaked out into space and life, as we know it, would never have started. However, it doesn't. Instead a balance point is maintained that enables our planet to keep its biosphere and for life to thrive.
The water on our planet too, is essential for life and is held in place by a balance that incorporates centrifugal forces caused by planetary spin, coupled with gravitational forces exerted both by our planet and external factors like the moon. The combination of these forces cause our weather patterns, along with tidal currents; the differing temperatures between the poles and the equator move our ocean waters in a constant cycle of movement that transports materials around the whole planet. A circulation system.
Inside our planet we have a gigantic, magnetic iron core, that is fluid and moves around. We live in a solar system where our star emits tremendous amounts of energy and harmful radiation, kept at bay by our planet's magnetic field. The sun's energy could be described as a power source and its transmission medium, delivered in light and a solar wind, (electromagnetism) can best be described as a form of electricity.
Our home planet, that gave life to us, is a self-organising system consisting of three essential parts; a material centre-point, a water based fluid body mechanism, and a skin of atmosphere between it and the outside universe. It also has a magnetic field or 'aura' that protects its surface from another local self-organising energy system - the sun.
[SELF ORGANISATION: Ability of a system to spontaneously arrange its components or elements in a purposeful (non-random) manner, under appropriate conditions but without the help of an external agency. It is as if the system knows how to 'do its own thing.' Many natural systems such as cells, chemical compounds, galaxies, organisms and planets show this property. Animal and human communities too display self organization: in every group a member emerges as the leader (who establishes order and rules) and everybody else follows him or her, usually willingly.]
Our planet is a self-organising system that can be said to 'live' in its own right and in turn, supports other life forms on its surface and in its waters. We are a child of that system, therefore it is logical to assume that the system that created life here on Earth would have fostered life that follows the same natural patterns of its own formation. In other words, we are microcosms of the planet, made from the same material and formed from the same pattern.
Where do metals fit into the pattern; which metals are essential for human health; what role might these metals play and; how might they interact with other metals in a different state?