There was a mysterious period in our human history that has only recently become the subject of open discussion. Writers and researchers, like Laurence Gardner, have challenged our historical view regarding ancient civilisations and their obsession with a substance called 'Mufkutz', a white powder that was added to flour, baked into cakes and eaten by the elites of that period. This substance was said to feed and nourish the 'light body', which in more colloquial language we would call the 'aura' or Meissner field. By ingesting Mufkutz the elites, which included the Pharaohs and high priests, were able to maintain health, extend their lives, and also be able to enter higher states of being.
This is far better described by Laurence Gardner himself, so at this point I would invite you to watch his 2004 video presentation (click the above video link - 2 hrs.).
Science is rediscovering what the ancient civilisations seemed to have accepted as natural knowledge, but doesn't seem to fit any particular direction as regards to the ultimate goal that science seeks to answer, namely; a unified theory of everything. This is perhaps because science has become too specialised and by so doing takes the attitude that the answer lies in mathematics alone. I take a different, and simpler line, in that I think the answer lies in working out the pattern first, not simply the notion that it will all be explained by some equation, which will go over the heads of most people anyway. I believe the answer will be both beautiful and 'simple' and be understood by everyone, and the key is to try and see the pattern.
In simplistic terms we live in a universe that exists between two fixed boundaries, defined by vibrational states. This is most easily illustrated by looking at a chart of the electromagnetic spectrum.
In terms of energy, these are the boundaries of our home universe.
A way of extending that view of our universe could be like this:
Theoretical physicists are increasingly adopting the idea that there are many universes, and that they exist as a series of bubbles within bubbles. The bubbles are separated by having different energy states which we experience in terms of vibration. The electromagnetic spectrum represents the bandwidth of our universe, which places our universe, and indeed all others, in the space between two other energy states.
Moving from a lower state to a higher state would be perceived as a massive leap in energy by comparison. Indeed for the structure of the bubbles to be maintained it may be that a higher state universe is crucial for the lower state to maintain its structure. In other words the higher state is the power source for our universe, and likewise, our universe may be the power source for another universe that has a lower energy state.
At both the higher end and the lower end, however, there would be leakage of energy between the two bubbles, and possibly across the entire bandwidth of the universe. Oddly enough this seems to coincide with the age old folklore concepts of heaven and hell. In terms of how that would be experienced by a conscious self-organising system, e.g. a human being, this experience could be an extremely painful, or terminal, one as energy would be sucked from the higher to the lower state. An encounter with hell.
Vice-versa, should we to establish contact with a higher state universe, the amount of energy available to us would seem possibly infinite by comparison to our own universe. Contact would fill us with, what would feel like limitless quantities of energy. Perhaps this might feel like eating a fantastic meal following a period of hunger. It could feel like an encounter with heaven.
As illustrated in the diagram above the boundaries between the universes is not like a hard force-field, or a sheet of unbreakable glass, it's probaly more like a dense blurred cloud. In the same way that our planet holds its atmosphere in place, a balance is maintained between the universes which also enables energy to leak from one to the other. Perhaps this leakage is necessary to maintain the balance, very much the way that a soap bubble in air needs to negotiate a balance between its internal pressure and the outside atmosphere in order to maintain its form.