The direction I am pursuing here is focussed on looking generally for the patterns that appear to govern the origins of life. For this reason I make no attempt to illustrate anything more than the general outline of the puzzle. In a world of specialists I recognise that there are many more knowledgeable of the finer details on how the individual pieces work. My challenge to them is to start talking to other specialists, share what they know, and start the process of putting the individual pieces of the puzzle together.
This means that biologists need to be speaking with physicists, botanists, geologists, astrophysicists, mathematicians, quantum researchers etc. and not just sticking to their own confined research boxes. I also hope they will talk to historians and philosophers to look at the patterns that history reveals, as well as the possible implications for the future. I hope this is not too great a challenge, because the alternative is for some of our best brains to lock themselves away in their speciality cages and never try and see the big picture.
On the previous page I discussed how colloidal silver works to disrupt physical cell membranes in bacteria, and also how the same colloid disrupts the development of pathogenic viruses, doing it in two different ways. In the case of the bacteria this is achieved in a pretty blunt fashion by electrically shocking the cell and rupturing its membrane. This could be compared with you bursting a balloon with a pin. The second way is much more subtle, because this way is more like using a magnet to corrupt the information on a magnetic tape, and equally effective.
Let's go back to the original illustration of the body pattern
There are essentially two parts, the physical body and the energy body. The physical body is composed mainly of water, minerals and metals and is adapted to operate at optimum in the environment of our home planet, which in turn, exists within the physical boundaries of our 3-dimensional universe, the pattern of which is basically that everything has a length, breath and height.
However, another piece of the puzzle is that this universe is immersed in another element, namely energy. The energy powers everything from the movement of galaxies to the tiniest movement of cells in our body. This is the same concept of fish living in the medium of water, so when we talk about energy, this is in fact the medium that we are immersed in and what supplies all our needs in this universe. So, it logically follows that our bodies, as part of the same pattern, have evolved with and adapted mechanisms to enable us to live inside this sea of energy. As part of our evolution our bodies will have created ways of both interacting and protecting itself from this energy source. This, I believe, is the reason we have our own Meissner field, or what is colloquially known as our energy body. In fact, everything that 'lives' has a Meissner field (energy body) from the smallest of bacteria to the largest biological forms. Indeed, having a Meissner field could well be the real definition of having 'life'.
M-State, monoatomic, ORMEs or Ormus - different words meaning the same thing - are exclusively constituents of anything that is either alive or has lived. You will find Ormus in ancient fossils, sedimentary rock, like limestone or marble - rocks that have formed over time that originated from living entities, no matter that they were giant dinosaurs or tiny corals. If if has, or had, 'life' it will contain Ormus.
Conversely, if it does not live, or has never lived, it contains no Ormus elements. The common factor here is 'life', that can possibly be redefined as meaning any self-organising system that exists within another self-organising system, and Ormus (M-State elements) that are simply metals in a higher energy condition are possibly what provides the vital link.