What is logic? Logic is the science of how to evaluate arguments and reasoning. Critical thinking is a process of evaluation which uses logic to separate truth from falsehood, reasonable from unreasonable beliefs. If you want to better evaluate the various claims, ideas, and arguments you encounter, you need a better understanding of basic logic and the process of critical thinking. These aren't trivial pursuits; they are essential to making good decisions and forming sound beliefs about our world.
If you have read the previous pages you will be aware of what a vital part metals play in the functioning of the human body. But, why metals and how might metals achieve this while continuing to follow the pattern and reflecting the terms and principles of the self-organising system that made us, and how might we follow this pattern beyond the 'local' sphere of our planet to get a glimpse of the workings of the wider universe?
What needs to be recognised here is that big may be beautiful, but small is definitely more important. And, when I say small, I mean in the realms of nano-particles (1 thousandth of a millimetre or smaller). Once we get down to the nano region this is where things start to get really interesting, because the smaller you go the closer you get to the regions of the 'quantum' world. This moves us away from our physical, 3-dimensional world, and crosses the boundary between the physical sciences and into the world of energy.
We come to think of metals in terms of what we can manufacture out of them, or their intrinsic value as monetary devices, but the 'basic common factor' is really that metals are energy conductors. This may take the form of conducting electricity or conducting heat, but the basic clue is that they are efficient conductors. So, in the world of energy they are extremely important.
If you have been unlucky enough to have stuck your fingers across a mains plug at any time, you will remember all too well that electrical energy has some peculiar, and some painful qualities, but in order for it to flow and be useful electricity needs an efficient conducting medium. When you come into contact with electricity it hurts because you are not the best of conductors, you are a resistor and slow the flow down. Slowing the flow converts the electrical energy into heat. The part that you successfully conduct trigger body reactions that contract your muscles beyond their comfortable limits, causing pain. Pass the same amount of electricity through a good conductor, like a metal, and it flows effortlessly.
Your body is a subtle and unified entity that spends its entire lifetime, unconsciously passing energy around its system in a similar fashion, but in this case the primary energy transmitted is information. Information that is communicated to your organs, to your cells, to the DNA that mediates how everything should work properly, and coordinates messages passed from your brain as well as reflexes and body functions that work on an unconscious level.
Whether your body is acting from a conscious instruction from your brain or doing what it does in auto-pilot mode, for those messages to get through needs a conductive, and not a resistive medium.
When looked at from this perspective it is not too surprising that we find that metals play a very important part, as conductors to enhance the flow of information, and without the presence of some
our bodies would simply stop functioning. Our bodies are self-organising systems and those functions are all built into the natural design parameters. However, this is only part of the story. There is more. We have another body, an energy body, that probably, if it follows the same design parameters, operates in exactly the same way. This body is what produces our Meissner field (Chi field), or aura, and it works at a completely different frequency but still uses metals as conductors in the same way - as an information carrier medium.
The metals our Meissner field require in order to operate lie in the quantum region, and are in a high energy state. These metals are M-State (ORMEs/monoatomic)