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Is the prime role of medicine to cure illness,
to prevent it - or to make money?

This may seem like a simple question to answer, but in the 'real world' the purpose of medicine is not just to promote health - it is also a big and very profitable industry, and, where there are big profits to be made we need to closely scrutinise whether our pharmaceutical industries really do promote our best health interests or if they are primarily motivated by making money, plus whether these two, and very different drivers can successfully co-exist.

We also need to look at the alternatives to pharma-based healthcare, natural remedies, and try to establish whether they are, as many choose to describe them, 'snake oil remedies', or, do they provide genuine solutions to human health issues, but are sidelined because they do not make big money.

On this site we aim to create a focus for the discussion of these topics, plus introduce visitors to alternative ideas, therapies and methods, plus back these up with sensible and logical reasoning. We are not only concerned with the various alternatives available, but also with the philosophies behind each. The philosophy is probably as important as the methods themselves because it provides the primary motivation.

To start this process we have split this site into a number of zones in which we will begin to examine the difference, both in content and purpose, for these various health options, and try to make a clear distinction between the alternative options by looking not just at their efficacy, but also at the motivations behind their existence.

For instance, we will try to place a context for each method into perspective by looking at a variety of factors, including history, how well they work, an explanation of their side-effects and whether they provide a 'cure' or a 'solution'. This is a very important distinction because a 'solution' provides a means to 'manage' a physical complaint and to provide a 'cure' is to provide a permanent remedy.

The area where ChiLectric aim to contribute their part of this journey of exploration is in the field of monoatomics and colloidal, but we will welcome, and happily publish opinions across the whole of the healthcare spectrum.




© 2014 - Herman Mittelholzer -